Teachers in Marion County Schools have a reason to celebrate after seeing their winter Scantron assessment results. Students experienced tremendous growth in all strands for both reading and math!
“I am proud of the work we’ve done as a district," says Marion County School Superintendent Ryan Hollingsworth. "We wanted to empower our teachers with the tools to deliver targeted instruction to meet individual needs. Every student should have the opportunity to experience growth and success. The combination of dedicated teachers, motivated students, and the right instruction at the right time with Classworks has resulted in exactly what we hoped for–increased achievement!”
After recently adopting Scantron Performance Series as their interim and summative assessment, Marion County Schools in Hamilton, AL, sought a way to put that data to work for every student.
The eleven-school district opted for Classworks during the 2017-2018 school year in order to make their assessment data actionable. With the teacher-student ratio climbing higher each year, finding instruction at the exact level each student needs can be a challenge. But, Imagine 30 (or 300) students, all at different learning levels, receiving the exact lessons they need to close gaps and accelerate their learning!
Marion County Schools found their recipe for success–the right tools to individualize combined with the dedication of hard-working teachers and students.
“We are a districtwide family all working on this together! It is exciting to see the growth as a result of the hard work of our educators and students. There are clear parallels with the time our students spend in Classworks and their gains,” says Tracy Burt, Marion’s School Improvement Specialist.
Raising the expectation to a higher level of proficiency combined with consistent monitoring and feedback led to average student mastery in Classworks going from 60% to 90% in some schools!
Now that they’ve got the momentum, the district is looking ahead towards success on their high-stakes tests. Consistency is the key ingredient to maintaining their growth. By implementing specific blocks of time for students to work on closing skills gaps each week, Marion is confident they will carry their growth into high-stakes testing.