“Classworks is making a positive difference in my classroom, one day at a time! It’s a great learning tool that reinforces direct instruction in my classroom." Lindsay Foust, third grade teacher, Norwood Elementary.
We’re proud to say that Norwood Elementary in Tennessee–AKA the Norwood Jaguars–has been one of Classworks’ shining stars over the years. In the five years they’ve partnered with Classworks the school has achieved amazing success:
The dedicated teachers and hardworking students have created an amazing learning environment to achieve success. They’ve also weaved Classworks into the culture of their teaching and learning. Here are a few ways Norwood Elementary uses incentives paired with Classworks instruction to increase achievement.
Here are a few ways Norwood Elementary uses incentives paired with Classworks instruction to increase achievement.
At the beginning of the school year students receive this necklace. They earn charms by meeting Classworks targets, having good attendance, and offering a helping hand to fellow students.
The names of students performing well in Classworks are displayed on a bulletin board in the cafeteria and outside of their classrooms. Teachers use Classworks reports such as the Assignment Results Report and Skills Summary to track proficiency each week.
Each paw represents a teacher’s class and their Classworks proficiency level from week to week. Each grade level with the highest weekly proficiency rate gets a popcorn party!
Finally, high achieving classrooms get to adopt a toy for the week as their trophy.
Thank you, Norwood Elementary, for letting Classworks be a part of your continued success. We are looking forward to more great things to come! For more ideas watch, Use Classworks for Student Motivation, on Classworks' YouTube channel!