Build Student Ownership with Data Transparency

July 22, 2024

Classworks student dashboards provide students with insight into their data and performance. Research tells us that the more students receive feedback about their progress, the higher the student’s engagement and motivation (Hatziapostolou and Paraskakis).

Classworks provides insight into both instruction and assessment data for the student. Let’s discuss three performance areas. 

My Learning Path

In “My Learning Path,” students have transparency in their instructional performance. They can track the time they spend in the program in monthly scores. 

Students earn certificates based on their monthly performance. These are awarded when students:

  1. Earn three or more gold stars, they’ll receive an exceptional mastery certificate
  2. Spend over 90 minutes per month, they’ll have a green bar and receive an exceptional time-on-task certificate
  3. Spend over 90 minutes and receive three or more stars, they’ll earn a ribbon icon and a combined certificate for both achievements. 

Encourage students to earn three or more stars and track their time on the bar graph. When you see an icon next to a student’s name in your Classworks dashboard, you have a certificate to print! 

If students don’t achieve instructional mastery, they have an opportunity to try again. We suggest students step away for a bit and return with a new strategy before re-doing an activity. Have students retake the mini-lesson for that unit to better understand. 

Go one step further with differentiated support on the concepts students are learning with Wittly by Classworks TM. Wittly is available to help students think critically and problem-solve each concept they are learning. Wittly’s immediate feedback and personalized support helps students overcome challenges and build confidence in their abilities.

Students feel proud of their strides when they apply problem-solving and see it rewarded with an improved score! 

My Progress Check

If your students are participating in weekly progress monitoring, they can view their progress in “My Progress Check.” They will see their Rate of Improvement graph before they take their probe each week. Be sure to communicate why they are taking these probes weekly and help them understand their performance goals. 

In their detail screen, they will see green dots when they score 70% or higher. They will see their yellow rate of improvement line and their green rate of improvement goal. Set goals with your students to earn a green dot each week and keep their yellow line trending upward. Meet with students every two weeks to review their graph and guide them with strategies for success. 

My Screener 

Students are also able to see their growth over time with insight into their Universal Screener scores. Once students choose a subject and select “My Screener,” they will see their scaled score and calculated growth goals for each testing window. Click “View Results” to dive deeper into each domain performance.

During testing windows, encourage students to reflect on their prior domain scores and set a new goal. If students receive intensive supports, set a goal that aims for a yellow “approaching level” score. Or, if they receive remedial support, aim for a green “at-level” goal. 

By sharing data with students, they develop ownership of their learning and increase motivation. They complete tasks because they understand why they are doing them. They know where they are AND where they’re headed! 

Speaking of motivating, don't forget about our newly updated bulletin board kit to add some creative flair to your classroom and help to motivate! Also, see this amazing example of student ownership coming to life in our latest success story with Oak Park Schools. 

Learn More

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